With over 100,000 tooth extractions completed, this procedure falls under the scope of one of our most routine and successful treatments. If you’ve been living with tooth pain due to fracture, decay, or disease, having your tooth removed by one of our expert oral surgeons is the quickest and most painless way to ensure your oral health stays on track. In situations where patients have many failing teeth, tooth extractions make it possible for health, dental function, and quality of life to be permanently restored with full arch dental implants! No matter what situation you present, our expert surgeons have decades of skill and experience to provide painless tooth extractions in Greensburg and Monroeville, PA, and the expertise to provide any number of tooth replacements with dental implants. With the full range of anesthesia services and advanced techniques, you can be assured your procedure will be both stress-free and comfortable—all with the purpose of reestablishing your proper oral health!
While it is unfortunate that a natural tooth cannot be saved, there is thankfully a permanent solution for missing teeth in dental implants. Made to mimic the look, feel, and function of natural teeth, dental implants can replace one, several, or all your extracted teeth long-term! Dental implants are strong and durable, using your jawbone for support like natural tooth roots. This provides the ideal foundation for an artificial tooth or teeth to be attached, which will have the strength to function properly and the aesthetics of beautiful natural teeth. Especially if you have been living with many damaged or diseased teeth, replacing your failing dentition with a full set of functional, attractive teeth is life-changing! Don’t let the fear of a tooth extractions procedure keep you from experiencing a better quality of life with a restored smile. Our oral surgeons are here to improve your health and your life with personalized solutions made to last your lifetime!
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1211 South Main Street
Greensburg, PA 15601
New Patients: 724-216-0589
Current Patients: 724-836-1060
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