Are you tired of the discomfort and limitations of removable dentures? Then it may be time to upgrade to implant supported dentures in Greensburg and Monroeville, PA! This solution relies on the revolutionary strength and stability of dental implants to hold a denture prosthesis in place in your mouth. With the added security of dental implants, you can enjoy a new-and-improved life and a functional, attractive, and confident smile! Our oral surgeons are experts in dental implant treatment and use CT-guided surgery with CHROME technology for precise and predictable procedures. We can help restore your quality of life with personalized implant supported dentures treatment!
Dentures certainly have been helping patients achieve a better life after losing all their teeth. However, dentures only restore about 10 percent of biting and chewing power and leave many patients self-conscious about their function and appearance. Dental implants surgically placed into your jaw permanently stimulate your bone, keeping it from resorbing as fast and altering your facial appearance. Your denture or prosthesis attached to the implants will feel significantly more secure and strong. In most cases, these dentures can only be removed by our surgeons or your dentist, so you will never have to fear they will slip, loosen, or fall out.
Our oral surgeons are specifically trained in dental surgical procedures, including dental implant placement, bone grafting, and tooth extractions. Combining over 35 years of experience and surgery’s most advanced technology, we consistently provide solutions for patients that improve their lives long-term. If you are struggling to experience a confident, functional life with removable dentures, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our oral surgeons today.
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1211 South Main Street
Greensburg, PA 15601
New Patients: 724-216-0589
Current Patients: 724-836-1060
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