Fix an Unaesthetic “Gummy” Smile

Personalized Crown Lengthening Treatment

If you think your teeth look small or too much of your gums show when you smile, you most likely have a “gummy” smile. As the name suggests, a gummy smile is when too much gum tissue covers over the visible tooth crowns, resulting in an improper tooth-to-gum ratio that many patients find unattractive. In most cases, patients in this situation don’t actually have small teeth, just too much gum coverage and an uneven gum line. Our crown lengthening restores the proper balance between your teeth and gum line to create a more symmetrical and attractive smile. By carefully contouring the gums around each tooth and reshaping the bone, if necessary, we can “lengthen” the teeth and significantly increase their aesthetic appeal. With today’s modern techniques and the skill of our experienced oral surgeons, crown lengthening in Greensburg and Monroeville, PA is a fast and comfortable procedure that produces permanent and beautiful results.

Crown Lengthening for Improved Function

Some patients need excess gum tissue removed for more functional purposes, such as to treat gum disease or decay or to make room for a restoration like a dental crown. For gum disease, a gingivectomy is a procedure that removes the diseased gum tissue from around the teeth, then healthy tissue is reshaped around the tooth roots. Healthy gum-tissues reattached to the teeth create a barrier against bacteria that accumulated with plaque and tartar buildup. Functional crown lengthening is also used to access a part of the tooth that needs repair. 

Removing the tissue gives adequate space for a dental crown to be securely attached to the damaged tooth to restore size, shape, and strength. No matter why you elect to receive crown lengthening, the extensive training of our oral surgeons qualifies us to offer this specialized treatment. Additionally, our expert knowledge of both facial anatomy and the soft and hard tissues gives us the expertise to provide highly personalized treatment with beautiful results.

Fix your gummy smile today.

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